Preschool FAQs
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Children’s Academy Preschool takes pride in offering high quality, nutritious meals. We provide breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. Meals are included in the tuition price. Our lunch’s are the highlight of the menu. They are prepared from scratch daily and use fresh fruits and vegetables.
Children’s Academy Preschool is a nut free zone.
Our curriculum activities cover 12 areas of development.
You probably have noticed that our classrooms have a lot more bustle and noise then some you have seen. Our children are up doing things, talking, playing, and exploring. Such a classroom environment differs from the old grade-school images of a teacher doing a lot of talking at the blackboard while children sit and listen quietly at their desks.
Research and experience indicate that to be effective with young children, teaching practices need to be “developmentally appropriate.” This simply means that educators need to think first about young children natural traits and interest and then create an environment and experiences that are in tune with children. Children are programmed for learning; we just need to seek to enrich the environment around them for increased learning experiences.
Early childhood, after all, is a time of life quite different from adulthood, and even from the later school years. Children ages 3-6 learn far better through direct interactive experiences than through just listening to someone talk. They learn extraordinary amounts through play and exploration.
We have designed our program to fit the needs of the children based on this research and information on how children of this age learn best. Research has shown that classrooms based on developmentally appropriate practices foster learning more than trying to redesign children!
A developmentally appropriate program like ours is age-appropriate. Additionally, to make this program the best place for every child, we gear our classroom environment and activities toward this community and the families involved. We’re eager to learn as much as we can about each child’s family, cultural background, past experience, and current circumstances. With this knowledge we work to create a program that fits the children and the families we serve.
Active learning takes advantage of a child's natural desire to move and touch. Young children love to manipulate items and explore new ideas. They enjoy the opportunity to see how things work and to test their own theories.
Active learning takes advantage of children’s natural motivations, abilities, and interests. It allows kids the opportunity to investigate things that interest them, to solve problems, to discover relationships, and to make comparisons.
How heavy is it? Does it smell? Can I find another one that feels the same? What does it sound like when I drop it? How is it different from the other items? Children use all their senses to make discoveries. They are better able to learn and remember as they gather information using their hands, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth to explore.
As children interact directly with the environment around them, they not only gather sensory information, but refine their senses and motor skills as well. For example: It takes very refined movement of the muscles of the hand and fingers to produce the penmanship required for writing. As children squeeze clay, pick up puzzle pieces, and lace threads through beads they are able practice and refine the muscle movements of their hands.
In our program, we organize the classroom environment to promote active learning, and we encourage children to think and talk about their discoveries and creations. Try this at home! The next time you want your child to learn about something, provide the materials, space, and time, then step back and watch what happens. They will ask questions, manipulate materials, and you and your child will discover the wonder of active play.
According to the development of children’s abilities, it is not possible to create art that “looks like something” without a teacher doing most of the work. We strive to let the children have full ownership of their artistic expression and gain an understanding of art materials available to them as they go through the various stages of development. “Cookie cutter” art will limit a child’s ability to express them self and learn essential skills needed to create the masterpieces they will someday be capable of.
There are 3 developmental stages of art.